Merinding! Atta Halilintar Rukyah Rumah Barunya Usai ART Alami Kesurupan

Selasa 23-01-2024,19:14 WIB
Reporter : Restu Herlambang
Editor : Priya Satrio

"Dari rumah yang lama, ke rumah yang sekarang masih banyak kebawa katanya. Terus ada juga yang bawa dari kampung," jelasnya.

Atta pun mengaku sempat takut hingga tak bisa berkata-kata saat proses rukiah tersebut.

"Gak bisa ngomong gue sebenernya, masih takut. Kita mau salat jamaah dulu, semoga berkah di sini," ujarnya.

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"Alhamdulillah sudah didoain setiap sudut-sudutnya, cuman emang beberapa mbak saya itu ternyata sensitif, jadi biasanya langsung merasa, bukan hanya di rumah ini, di rumah yang lama juga ada yang kesurupan gitu, jadi kemaren dirukiah, doa besar-besaran" ucap Atta Halilintar.

English Version :

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - It gave me goosebumps because Atta Halilintar broke into his house, but while the rukyah was going on, the household member fell into a trance.

Atta has just built a luxury house which he will live in in the near future, so he has to build it first.

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Aurel Hermansyah's husband even invited several ustaz to pray for his new home.

Atta's new house was considered to have a lot of magic in it which had to be cleaned before being placed.

The process of running the rukiah was shared via the AH YouTube channel, which is Atta Halilintar's personal account.

Not only that, the employee who lived in the house for some time had seen a strange appearance in the house.

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Atta also revealed this regarding the incident at his old house to the ustaz who was about to join him.

"So yesterday's ustaz was Yudha. Previously, in the old house, we were also able to see (spiritual beings)," said Atta.

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