VALID! Yuk Klaim Kode Promo Gojek Rabu 12 Februari 2025: Ongkos Pergi Kantor Cukup Bayar 50 Persen

Rabu 12-02-2025,10:59 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

Kadaluarsa: 30 Juni 2025 

4. Kode Gocar pengguna baru hemat 50 persen hingga Rp15.000 

Kode promo: COBAINGOJEK 

BACA JUGA:Link Nonton Film Gone Girl: Rahasia Gelap di Balik Pernikahan yang Terlihat Sempurna

Kadaluwarsa: 31 Maret 2025

English Version :

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Promo code valid for Gojek which is valid today Wednesday 12 February 2025.

You can use this promo code to save on Goride, Gocar and also Gosend.

BACA JUGA:KAI Berhasil Pulihkan Dua Jalur Rel di Kabupaten Grobogan, Perjalanan KA Kembali Normal

With this promo, you can save more when using the Gojek application.

The following is a collection of Gojek promo codes for the Wednesday 12 February 2025 edition:

1. Travel on the weekend using the Gocar and Gojek promo code and save up to IDR 12 thousand 

Promo code: GOWEKEND 

BACA JUGA:Dorong Minat dan Bakat Siswa, Pianis Muda George Harliono Hadir dan Tampil di BINUS SCHOOL Serpong

Expiration: December 30, 2025 

2. Extra 50 percent discount using the Gojek promo code to order GoRide 

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