Suami Stevie Agnecya Ungkap Rasa Rindu ke Almarhumah Istri: 'Kangen Kamu Sayang'

Senin 25-03-2024,14:00 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

"If the best way is to leave so that you won't be in pain anymore, God willing, I'm sincere... we'll meet again in Jannah, darling, I promise we'll get together with the kids again.. my focus is now on raising your children to be calm, okay? I I really love you," wrote Anggi.

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Anggi also said that it was not easy for him to live the day without his beloved wife.

"Now you have calmed down, OK, Stev. It has taken days to gather the strength to write this my dear, my wife, my other half..ours was a great love story that will continue someday..," wrote Anggi.

For your information, Stevie converted to Islam after marrying Anggi.

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