Ramalan Primbon Jawa, Daun Salam Bisa Jadi Penambah Rezeki dan Pengusir Mahkluk Halus

Jumat 26-01-2024,21:00 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

1. As an Attractor to Increase Fortune

In the Javanese primbon book, it is explained that planting bay leaves in the yard of the house can bring various benefits to the residents of the house.

One of them can make your fortune run smoothly without any obstacles.

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Dried bay leaves stored in money storage places, such as wallets or safes, are believed to prevent money leaks.

What's more, by storing dry leaves in a money storage area, apart from preventing money leakage, it is also believed to increase income and protect money from negative energy.

2. Becomes a temporary invisible fence

If you are someone who is afraid of sleeping alone in your room, then you can use bay leaves to protect yourself from nosy supernatural interference.

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Not only that, before sleeping it would be better to pray first.

You can put 3 bay leaves under your pillow and hang on until morning to feel the benefits.

The energy from bay leaves under the pillow can convey body energy and align the chakras.

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