5 Cara Efektif Mencuci Sepatu Putih Agar Terlihat Kinclong Lagi Seperti Baru

Rabu 24-01-2024,20:00 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

Washing white shoes is of course a very difficult thing to do.

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If you wash your white shoes the wrong way, of course your shoes will turn yellow.

1. Use Toothpaste

Not only can you whiten your teeth, it turns out that toothpaste is also very good for you to use to wash your shoes.

You can use this toothpaste to wash your shoes so they are maximally clean.

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The way you can use this toothpaste for your teeth is by rubbing a toothbrush with toothpaste on the yellow or dirty parts of your shoes.

Then rinse with clean running water.

2. Wash with Clothes Bleach

Not only can you whiten clothes, but you can also use clothes bleach to whiten shoes.

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This clothes bleach can be rubbed into shoes using a toothbrush, make sure not to touch the clothes bleach directly.

3. Using Bath Soap and Water

Don't clean your shoes using dab soap, use bath soap to clean your shoes.

You can soak your shoes overnight using liquid bath soap.

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